
What Are the Ultimate Ways to Fix a Scalped Lawn?

Scalped Lawn

It is good to trim your lawn habitually. No matter if you utilize a cylinder or rotary mower, accidents can take place. As your lawn is trimmed so short that you unintentionally take out the entire grass blade and cut it into the grass plant stem, you can have a scalped lawn in the end. In case you have a scalped lawn, it can build up a shaved, scaled, or brown look.

First, check your lawn to find out the possible source of the issue. If the scaling is even around the yard, then the potential source is the height of the mower is very low, or the thatch layer is very thick. If the scalping crops up only at a single place or some small regions all through the yard, look for high or low spots that may lead to unevenness under the lawnmower blades or wheels.

The Best Ways to Fix a Scalped Lawn

  1. Water it intensely

You must water the lawn intensely and gently a couple of times a week to promote a healthy lawn. Think about the present condition and rainfall prior to using too much water. Use chelated iron in the yard following the manufacturer’s guidelines and suggestions. Applying supplemental iron can promote greening and development. Use top-notch quality topsoil to low areas gradually, around 2.5 cm at once, letting the yard nurture through or onto the new soil densely before applying more soil.

  1. Cut the lawn grass

Try to mow the lawn grass at the elevation recommendation for various lawns you own. Avoid taking out more than 1/3rd of the grass plant in any trimming. If your yard is ever overgrown, increase the mowing altitude and slowly lower it with every cut. Try not to use a fertilizer that contains nitrogen or a balanced fertilizer that has nitrogen to a scalped yard until it’s completely restored and demonstrates no symptoms of scalping damage. Get the help of the most dependable lawn care services in Alpharetta if you want to revamp your scalped lawn.

Important Thing to Note Down

Discoloration of the yard may be a consequence of using dull mower blades. Therefore, it is vital to check on that before mowing. Keep the blades of the mower sharp for maintaining an eco-friendly lawn. Contact professional lawn mowers to make the job easier.