
How to Prepare Your Commercial Space for Concrete Cleaning

Maintaining a clean and inviting commercial space is crucial for any business owner. Not only does it enhance the curb appeal and create a positive first impression, but it also prolongs the lifespan of your property. Concrete surfaces, including driveways, patios, sidewalks, and garages, are no exception. 

However, before you call in the professionals to restore the pristine condition of your concrete areas, there’s some groundwork to be done. Preparing your commercial space for concrete cleaning ensures a smooth and efficient process, ultimately leading to better results. 

In this blog, we will be talking about how to be ready before scheduling a cleaning appointment with your commercial cleaning company. These steps will guide you through the most important things that go beyond choosing a commercial cleaner. Let’s get started.

Checklist for Planning Commercial Concrete Cleaning 

Here’s a comprehensive checklist for businesses to follow before the cleaning crew arrives.

1. Clear the Area

The first step is to remove any vehicles, equipment, furniture, or movable objects from the car parking areas and driveways. Determine where you can relocate the vehicles and other outdoor furniture. 

Ensure that these should be at a safe distance as high-grade cleaning sprays can damage these vehicles. This not only provides the cleaning crew with unobstructed access but also protects your belongings from potential water damage during concrete cleaning.

 2. Protect Landscaping and Delicate Features

Water runoff and cleaning solutions, even eco-friendly ones, can harm your landscaping or delicate features surrounding the concrete area. Many eco-cleaning products can contain substances that can discolour, damage the root health and can even burn the leaves. 

At the same time, high-pressure cleaning can disrupt the pH balance of soil or, in most cases, break the sensitive branches. That is why protection is necessary before scheduling pressure cleaning.

Cover plants, flowers, and any sensitive outdoor features with tarps or plastic sheeting to shield them from overspray and chemicals. Place heavyweights like stones to prevent the sheets from flying away. 

Be mindful not to seal the plants, and watering your plants before and after cleaning is great to dilute chemicals, if you suspect that it can reach plants during commercial pressure cleaning.

3. Identify and Mark Problem Areas

Walk through the area with a piece of chalk or sticky notes to mark significant stains, cracks, or damage. This is more effective as it helps cleaners quickly identify and apply the most efficient solutions to these target areas rather than a general cleaning over the entire surface. 

This will help the cleaning team focus on problem areas and apply specialised treatments if necessary. This preparation avoids delays and can also be more cost-effective.

4. Check for Drainage

Ensure that all drainage systems are clear and functioning. Proper drainage is essential to avoid water pooling during the commercial pressure cleaning process. When you fail to check drainage systems, water remaining on concrete surfaces can cause discolouration and even promote the growth of mould and mildew.  

However, if there are any known issues with drainage on your property, inform the cleaning team ahead of time. They will surely bring additional equipment to manage water flow or can customise their approach to minimise this problem.

5. Secure Windows and Doors

Close and seal windows and doors near the cleaning area to prevent water and cleaning agents from entering your building. Pay special attention to basement and ground-level entrances, which are more susceptible to water intrusion.

6. Remove Loose Debris

Sweep or blow away loose debris such as leaves, dirt, and gravel. This step is particularly important for areas with a lot of foot traffic or those that haven’t been cleaned in a while. Clearing the surface allows cleaners to put the cleaning solutions on the stains directly without obstacles.

7. Inform Your Neighbours

If your commercial property is close to others, it’s courteous to inform your neighbours about the upcoming cleaning. This advance notice helps them prepare and prevent any disruptions or misunderstandings.

8. Review Safety Measures

Discuss and review safety measures with your employees and the cleaning crew, especially if the area will be closed off during business hours. Ensure that clear signage is in place to direct pedestrians and traffic away from the cleaning area.

9. Schedule at the Right Time

Timing is crucial. Schedule the commercial pressure cleaning during off-peak hours or when your business is closed to minimise disruption to your operations and inconvenience to your customers. Additionally, consider the weather forecast to avoid scheduling during rainy or windy days, which can hinder the cleaning process.

10. Verify Access to Water and Power Sources

The cleaning crew will likely need access to water and electricity. Ensure that outdoor faucets and power outlets are accessible and in working order. If your property lacks these amenities, let the cleaning service know in advance so they can make the necessary arrangements.

11. Secure Pets and Inform Employees

If your commercial property is also a workplace or has pets around, ensure that pets are secured and employees are informed about the cleaning schedule. This preparation prevents any surprises and ensures the safety of all parties involved.

12. Document the Pre-Cleaning Condition

Finally, consider taking photos of the concrete surfaces before the cleaning. This documentation can be useful for your records, especially if you’re monitoring the condition of your property over time or if any disputes arise.

Final Words

Preparing your commercial space for concrete cleaning might seem like an additional task on your to-do list, but it’s a crucial step that can significantly impact the outcome of the cleaning process. With a checklist of this blog, you can ensure that the cleaning is as efficient, effective, and trouble-free as possible. 

Remember, the goal is not just to clean your concrete surfaces but to enhance the overall appeal and value of your commercial property. A little preparation goes a long way in achieving that pristine and welcoming look that reflects well on your business. Choose ABS Cleaning for smooth and long-lasting commercial and residential property cleaning services. 

Robert Peterson

The author Robert Peterson