
March 20, 2021

Home improvement

Evaporative Air Conditioners – Common Problems

An evaporative air conditioner is great for lowering the temperature of an environment. This innovative device is a solution to the problem of cost, maintenance, and electricity consumption associated with air conditioners.

However, they are not without their challenges; they are just more cost-effective than air conditioners when it comes to cooling.

Some of the common challenges are:

  1. Decreased cooling efficiency: When you notice that your evaporative cooler does now work as well as before, it means the efficiency has decreased. Several things may be wrong, but these three are the most common.
    1. Restricted airflow:Airflow is vital for this cooler to work. The unit will not serve well if there are objects obstructing the path.
    2. Damaged cooling pad: If the cooling pad has been damaged (mostly, due to mechanical fault), the unit will work less.
    3. Blocked louvers: The louvers direct airflow. If they are blocked or closed, cool air will be returned to the unit from the front.
  2. Musty smell:Musty odors occurs mostly because of the growth of microorganisms in the tank or the cooling pad. These are sites for microorganism growth, and you should clean them regularly.
  3. Corrosion: Remnant water can be corrosive if left unclean for a long time. If your water source contains minerals, the corrosion will be faster. The corrosion of the working parts reduces the efficiency of the machine because friction increases.
  4. Low water use: When an evaporative air conditioner has low water use, the cooling efficiency will reduce to the point where it only dissipates cool air. Low water use may be caused by blocked pipes, a faulty pump, or blocked tanks. It is best to inspect the unit regularly to forestall these, as replacement parts may be costly.
  5. Excessive water use:Excessive water use, on the other hand, may be caused by leaky pipes and faulty valves. The average evaporative air conditioner users far less water than refrigerated air conditioners. Leaky pipes may cause the tank to drain faster with lower efficiency.
  6. Incorrect dashboard display: Electronic faults are responsible for incorrect dashboard displays. It may also be due to an unplugged lead, for example, if the thermometer lead is damaged, the dashboard may show incorrect temperature.

It is profitable to know that users can avoid these faults by practicing regular cleaning and inspection. Where you cannot fix a fault, contact your local technician for assistance to avoid damaging the unit further.

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